Young KlangForum Heidelberg
Spreading and promoting music

“The Love Songs were performed with refreshing insouciance and supreme musical skill.”
[link Rhein-Neckar Zeitung, 21.07.14]
Fostering the love of music and encouraging young musicians. KlangForum Heidelberg is committed to its work with young people, frequently obtaining for them initial contacts to professional ensembles.
To this end, it rehearses and performs works with adolescents, one example being Love Songs by the Canadian composer Claude Vivier in the assembly hall of the Elisabeth-von-Thadden school (Heidelberg) in 2014. In conjunction with the SCHOLA HEIDELBERG vocal ensemble and a theatre director, the students involved spent a project week getting to grips with this semi-staged work.
In the KlangForum Heidelberg‘s own concerts, collaboration with schools also plays an important part, from the intensive preparation stage to the performance itself.
In the project Jerusalem – City of Twofold Peace (2015), organised in conjunction with the members of the Music Communication Course at Karlsruhe Conservatory, music truly functioned as an international language. The school class involved was made up entirely of migrants and refugees, some of whom had only been in Germany for a few weeks. At the Forum’s concert format Heimathen for the Baden-Württemberg Summer of Literature 2016, the Gegenklang ensemble of the Elisabeth-von-Thadden school received a commission for a composition that was then performed at the opening concert. The resulting sound collage gives a vivid and haunting impression of the way young people experience the present political situation.