Musikalisches Sprachlabor
Musical speech lab: Emotion, dissonance and tuning
ZKM Karlsruhe
- Carlo Gesualdo di Venosa : Dolcissima mia vita, IV. aus: Madrigale für fünf Stimmen, Fünftes Buch, 1613
- Carlo Gesualdo di Venosa : Tu m'uccidi, o crudele, 15. Madrigal, V. Buch
- Ludger Brümmer: Carlo, für Elektronik, 2004
- Carlo Gesualdo di Venosa : Beltà, poi che t'assenti, II. aus Madrigale für fünf Stimmen, Sechstes Buch, 1613
- Carlo Gesualdo di Venosa : Resta di darmi noia, IV. aus: Madrigale für fünf Stimmen, Sechstes Buch, 1613
- Michelangelo Rossi: O miseria d'amante, Erstes Madrigalbuch zu 5 Stimmen, 1624 - 1629
- Ludger Brümmer: Gesualdo, für Elektronik, 2003
- Michelangelo Rossi: Credetel voi, für sechs Stimmen
- Carlo Gesualdo di Venosa : Moro, lasso, XVII. aus Madrigale für fünf Stimmen, Sechstes Buch, 1613
Leitung: Walter Nußbaum
Musikalisches Sprachlabor (musical speech lab) introduces a selection of compositions by Michelangelo Rossi (ca. 1602 – 1656) and Carlo Gesualdo (1566–1613) and expands on their practical, theoretical and artistic interpretations.
In contrast to the younger composer Michelangelo Rossi, today’s view on Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa is being obstructed by a biographical aspect. Gesualdo was the alleged murderer of his first wife and her lover – a plot made famous by Werner Herzog’s film “Gesualdo – Tod für fünf Stimmen” as well as Salvatore Sciarrino’s opera “Luci mie traditrici”. But those perspectives tend to distract the listener from the speculative and sensational elements of his revolutionary and manneristic craft of writing madrigals. Employing multiple disciplines, Musikalisches Sprachlabor investigates a direct and contemporary take on the expressions of the two closely related madrigalists. Therefore, against historical as well as against pandemic distancing and resistance, a humanist message from the era of Galileo Galilei can be experienced in an emotional and communicative way.
With Ludger Brümmer and SCHOLA HEIDELBERG directed by Walter Nussbaum, in collaboration with ZKM | Hertz-Labor.