A Christmas Concert
Peterskirche Heidelberg

- Guillaume de Machaut : Felix Virgo , für 4 Stimmen
- Guillaume de Machaut : Inviolata genitrix , für 4 Stimmen
- Léonin : Benedicamus domino , (Magnus liber) , 13./14. Jahrhundert
- Guillaume Dufay : Ave regina coelorum
- Guillaume Dufay : Gaude virgo
- Guillaume Dufay : Lamentatio Sanctae Matris
- Josquin des Préz : De profundis clamavi
- Paolo da Firenze : Era Venus , 14./15. Jahrhundert
- Josquin des Préz : Stabat Mater , 1480
- aus dem Codex Chantilly : Roses et lis ay veu , (Codex Chantilly) , 14. Jahrhundert
- Guillaume Dufay : Gaude virgo, mater Christi (Sequenz) , In festo Assumptionis beatae Mariae Virginis
- Orlando di Lasso : Beatus Nicolaus , 1532-1594
- Charles Ives : Psalm 67, für Chor , verm. 1894
- Léonin : Judea et Jerusalem , (Magnus liber/englische Quelle) , 13./14. Jahrhundert
- Orlando di Lasso : Tui sunt caeli , 1604
- Heinrich Finck : Veni redemptor gentium
- Johann Eccard : Nun komm der Heiden Heiland
- Michael Praetorius : Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
- SCHOLA HEIDELBERG | aisthesis consort
- Organetto | Veit Jacob Walter
Leitung: Walter Nußbaum
Veranstalter: KlangForum Heidelberg e. V.
After a digital edition last year, we will let 2021 fade out with our traditional series of Christmas concerts on stage. It has been an eventful and fantastic year which allowed the SCHOLA HEIDELBERG and the ensemble aisthesis to experience many exciting moments in the digital as well as in the analog realm.
Both ensembles – SCHOLA HEIDELBERG and the baroque aisthesis consort – will perform works from different centuries referring to Advent and Christmas.
Joining the ensemble for the first time, Veit Jacob Walter will be playing his organetto.