Musik der Zeit – 70th anniversary
A concert walk by the WDR
Domforum Köln

Leitung: Walter Nußbaum
Veranstalter: WDR
This walk around the city centre of Cologne will include six unique concert locations. Six small groups of 25 people will attend six short programmes with a duration of 10 to 15 minutes, while several guides will lead the way. This bouquet will offer short classics of modernity, in places that are certainly unknown to many, such as Artothek, Baptisterium, Domforum, Galerie Karsten Greve, the ticket counter of the Kölner Philharmonie, and Senftöpfchen-Theater.
Giacinto Scelsi
tre canti sacri (1958) for 8 voices
Directed by: Walter Nussbaum
Matthias Kaul
Stuff from above (2011) for 4 percussionists
Schlagquartett Köln
Mauricio Kagel
Match (1963) for 3 players
Karolina Öhmann and Lisa Hofer, cello
Dino Georgeton, percussion
Peter Ablinger
Pina Bausch (2021) and Bernd Alois Zimmermann (2021)
from: "Voices and Piano" for piano and tape
Commissioned by the WDR
World premiere
Bernd Alois Zimmermann
Vier kurze Studien (1970) for solo cello
Florence Millet, piano
Oren Shevlin, cello
Lucas Lopes Pereira, dance
Vinko Globokar
?Corporel (1984) for female percussionist on her body
Vanessa Porter, percussion
Carola Bauckholt
Doppelbelichtung (2016) for violin and samples
Karin Hellqvist, violin
SWR Experimentalstudio
Sound engineering: Simon Spillner
The concert walk will end at approximately 10:30 pm at Funkhaus, where a short night music is scheduled. As a finale, Karlheinz Stockhausen's "Mikrophone II" will be performed – one of the first pieces for live electronics, realised by the WDR and brought to life back in 1965 right there at Funkhaus.